Tuesday, June 13, 2006


So I just took the June LSAT. Glad its over, all that prep with Kaplan was killing me, but they did get me better prepared than I would have been if I had gone in cold.  Now I can really enjoy my summer.  Im on vacation in Nantucket with my family.  Meanwhile other things are looking up, OSX and Linux are getting some well deserved attention and I keep learning more and more about my Apple, UNIX and linux.  The internet just keeps evolving at such a wonderful rate and I am so thankful to be alive and have access to such a wonderful tool.  My mind just soaks up all this free information and I get so interested in all the science and sociological changes that are happening because of the internet.  I just wish more people would try to not be so afraid of technology, I have met so many people who are more than capable of learning about their computers, electronics, and would benefit from wading just a little further into the net.  Im literally swimming in it these days.  Hope everyone is having a great summer. Peace.

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