Tuesday, April 18, 2006

wierd dream and doubts

I feel strange today.  I got 7 hours of sleep, but it was my dream this morning that has put in a bit of a funk.  It was a sequal to a dream I had several weeks ago in which I dreamt that I got a girl pregnant and we decided to have it and raise it ourselves. And this morning it got really depressing cause her family moved her away from me cause they didnt think I was capable of being a good father or they were still mad at me for getting their daughter pregnant.  Im not sure what a dream like that is supposed to mean to a 22 year old guy. Maybe I have some feeling in the back of my mind that Im frustrated about not being in full control of my own life, and trying to deal with the new kinds of responsibilities that are being placed on me and what Im taking on for myself.  Maybe I need to take some days for myself after I finish this semester and ponder my life and get things in perspective.  I thought I had a pretty good handle on my life, but it seems that wasnt the case.  Growing up is a bitch.  Can you remember what it was like to be seven and to be oblivious to the problems in the world?


-G.D. said...

don't mean to be a downer, but these feelings you describe, one experiences at all ages.

experience helps...you learn eventually not to care too much, understanding that we are all riding a wave of beautiful chaos.

nice blog...just passing by.

-G.D. said...

just fyi...

i'm at http://climbtozero.blogspot.com
