"Lawyers poised as US vote hit by technical glitches"
This disgusts me. I have no problem with ethical lawyers or trying to iron out voting issues, but throwing a rabid pack of party biased lawyers at each other trying to claim vote fraud on the other side is not going to solve anything and is an absolute waste of time and money from both parties and the population of the United States. These damn voting machines seem to be causing nothing but problems and the alleged tampering with computer code is unacceptable. Hijacking voting machines is absolutely unacceptable and the penalties are not harsh enough. It is a threat against our republic and threatens this nation ruled by the people. When a political party sees voter fraud as a means of holding onto power instead of working to satisfy the voters and keep their confidence we have lost our democracy and we have lost our way. When this vote is over congress needs to harshen the penalties on vote fraud and have the same company that writes software for the Space Shuttle and life support systems in hospitals write the damn voting machine software. No glitches! Double check votes so that people can fix mistakes before submitting their ballot. We need to remind more of our politicians and bureaucrats that they serve us and not we them. There is little room for big egos in politics. I hope that more voters come to realize the difference between true leaders and egotistical opportunists.